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Live Action Set Extension

This project was done individually. The goal was to recreate a black and white movie scene. Models were to be created using NURBS and combined with a live-action background. Finally, it would be rendered in B/W to recreate the original chosen image.


I chose this scene from the 1940s movie, Rebecca, to recreate.



I modeled everything in Maya using NURBS.


I found free texture maps online, adjusted them in Photoshop, and brought them into Maya to put on my model.

Camera & Lighting

I had set up the camera to match my reference image in the background. This was so that I could make sure my models were proportioned correctly. For the lighting, I started with a simple 3-point lighting setup and made a few tweaks to it to match the reference.


I went to a nearby park to take pictures for the background. Then, I rendered out an image of the textured model and took it into Photoshop, where I edited in the background and made it black and white.

Final Result

On the top is the screenshot from the movie and on the bottom is the final result of this project.

A more in-depth look at my process can be found on my blog, here!

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